Posts in “black-history-month” (91)
Blog Articles
How do we dream ourselves out of this? It’s 1968, 50 years ago. This is what August, a young girl freshly uprooted from her rural Tennessee home, now living in the Bushwick section of… continue reading #OneBookWednesday: Black History, Our Philadelphia
By written by Kalela W. February 14, 2018
So we’ve all seen the trailer for the Black Panther film right? And we are all super-duper excited for it, yes? I know I am beyond hype and come February 16th (ish), my popcorn and I will be… continue reading Black Panther: Hero. Legend. King.
By written by Rachel F. February 12, 2018
As Head Designer of Horace Trumbauer’s architecture firm, Julian Abele designed the Free Library and the Philadelphia Art Museum and set the tone for the entire parkway. He designed… continue reading A History Minute: 11 Things You Didn't Know About Julian Abele, Architect of the Parkway
By written by Shahadah A. February 7, 2018 10
Back in September, the city of Philadelphia unveiled the first new statue at City Hall since 1923 and the first of an African American on any city-owned public property – that of… continue reading #BlackHistoryMonth: Celebrating The Life Of Octavius Catto
By written by Kate C. February 5, 2018 2
Black History Month begins this week, and we have a packed February full of programming for all ages here at the Free Library. Neighborhood libraries across the city are hosting everything… continue reading Black History Month at the Free Library
By written by Julie B. January 30, 2018 1
The Art Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia maintains a collection of artist files going back to the 19th century. Our artist files are folders that include article clippings, gallery… continue reading Art Department Celebrates Black History Month with African American Artists from Philadelphia
By written by Alina J. February 23, 2017
Earlier this year, J. Matthew Catron, a Library Assistant in Phibrick Hall at Parkway Central Library came to the Education, Philosophy, and Religion Department with a pitch: to bring Dr.… continue reading Reflections on Education and Race
By written by Sarah M. February 16, 2017
Our libraries have a full lineup of programs and activities this February to celebrate the rich intellectual and cultural contributions made by the African American community. We have everything… continue reading How Will You Celebrate Black History Month?
By written by Jennifer W. January 24, 2017 3
One Book, One Philadelphia is known for inspiring great conversations across the Philadelphia region. Last week, it also inspired some new stories altogether—as a panel of professional… continue reading #OneBookWednesday: Storytelling Inspired by One Book
By written by Julie B. March 9, 2016
In honor of Black History Month , this article will examine the life and work of the first African American author to win the Newbery Medal —Virginia Hamilton. Virginia Hamilton… continue reading Black History Month: Virginia Hamilton, the First African American Author to Win the Newbery Medal
By written by Elizabeth K. February 11, 2016
When I was growing up, Black History Month meant learning about Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other historical figures whose life’s work was crucial to my… continue reading #OneBookWednesday: Black History Is Family History
By written by Kalela W. February 10, 2016 2