
Teaching Resources | Centennial Sheet Music Collection | Further Reading

Study and Teaching Resources

Want to use the Centennial Exhibition Digital Collection to reinforce study and teaching of standards? Here are some ideas.

Historical Thinking Skills

  1. Chronological Thinking

    Students can use the photograph collection as a springboard for learning about the Industrial Revolution. Photographs of steam engines, factory-produced materials, mass transportation, etc., can lead students to study circumstances and effects of the Industrial Revolution. Search on: Industrial Revolution, railroads, steam engines, telephones, carriages, water works, glass industry, textile industry, medical equipment, printers, or printing industry.

  2. Historical Comprehension

    The Centennial Exhibition showcased a number of innovations and inventions. Machinery Hall housed the 1,400 horsepower Corliss steam engine, an early internal combustion engine, a compressor for refrigeration and ice-making, and Alexander Graham Bell’s Telephonic Telegraphic Receiver. Students can discuss the effects of these inventions, and the inter-relationship between science, technology, and the designed world. Students can choose an invention and design a trade card or poster to advertise it.

    Many photographs in the collection document contemporary lifestyle of the 1870s, in connection with the Centennial, American life, life in other countries, and in general. Students can study the structures at the Centennial and review photographs of consumer goods and interiors. Students can compare building sizes, styles, and types to buildings in present day Philadelphia. Take the State Buildings tour, or search on: Japanese dwelling, Japanese bazaar, Furniture (including by country, e.g., Furniture–China), or clothing & dress.

  3. Historical Research Capabilities

    Students can use the collection as a basis for research. For example, students might formulate a hypothesis to explain differences in food production, distribution and consumption. They might examine differences in agricultural production, or packaging to formulate a hypothesis. Using other sources, students can research reasons for differences in food production, distribution and consumption. Search on canned foods, confections, farm produce, fruit, meat, Agricultural Hall, agricultural machinery, seeds, cheese, restaurants, drinking fountain, wine, or beer.

  4. Historical Issue Analysis and Decision Making

    Students can use the photographs to study how people of the 1870s solved problems using the resources at hand. The photographs document peacetime and wartime technology. Students can visit the U.S. Government Building. Students can also search on: military art & science, artillery, ships, arms & armament, ordnance industry, Krupp’s guns, and cannons. What wars might have been fought with these weapons? What other nations exhibited weapons?

    Students also can explore transportation measures of the time. Students can read about transportation in Frank Thomas’ diary, or search on transportation, bridges, carriages, and railroads.

English Language Arts

  1. Students can use photographs from the collection to illustrate stories, poems, songs, or first-person narratives about the Centennial Exhibition. Students can then describe reasons why they chose their particular photographs to illustrate the language arts selections.
  2. After reading the teenager’s diary, students can review photographs of fairgoers and trade cards. Students can then write a piece from the point-of-view of one of the fairgoers or the workers at the fair, using photographs as illustrations. Students can be encouraged to write captions, journal entries, short stories, letters, diaries, or autobiographical sketches of subjects in the photographs. Students can then proofread and revise their draft writings.

World Languages

Thirty-seven nations exhibited at the Centennial. Students can make a list of the languages an interpreter at the Centennial might have needed to know. Visit the Foreign Countries section in Exhibition Facts.

Visual Arts

  1. As historians, students can be asked to study these artifacts of the 18th Century:

    Bartholdi’s Arm and Torch

    Stone-cutting Machine

    Doulton Ware

    Have students discuss what they see, for example, the structures, the arrangement of the elements, the clothes, and the objects. Students should avoid expressing personal feelings or interpretations.

    Have students write an objective observation of one of these image artifacts. Their description should help someone who has not seen the image to visualize it.

  2. Reflecting on artwork: have students view a selection of images of art. Search on art, jewelry, religious articles, sculpture, or monuments & memorials. Have students observe, reflect and value the characteristics, meanings, uses and merits.


Students can look at the record of expenses that Frank Thomas kept during his trip to the Centennial. They can total how much Frank spent on ice cream, or in total. Ask them to estimate what their costs would be for a one-week trip to Disneyland or Disney World. How much would transportation cost? How much for admission? How much "spending money" would they take?

Students can interpret data from the Exhibition Statistics. What month had the most attendance? What month had the largest increase over the previous month? Which building cost the most per acre? Which took the longest to complete? Did the length of time of construction have an impact on cost? Compare the statistics on the Vienna (1873) and Philadelphia (1876) Exhibitions. Can students draw any hypotheses?


Students can count the number of pieces in the Free Library of Philadelphia Centennial Sheet Music Collection. They can search for more Centennial music, and listen to some, at the Library of Congress site, Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1870-1885 at Can students name any sheet music about current events or events in their lifetime? Why was so much music written about or for the Centennial? Who bought sheet music, and why?

Centennial Sheet Music Collection

This listing of sheet music relating to the Centennial Exhibition is a selection from the Free Library of Philadelphia's extensive collection of vocal and piano sheets dating from the 18th century to the present. Very strong in Americana, it is one of the largest collections (over 250,000 items) in the country.

Agricultural grand march. By E. Mack. Philadelphia, 1875.

The American exposition waltz. By Johann Strauss. New York, Dodworth & Co, 1876.

America's great centennial song. Columbia's son. Words by Geo. Cooper. Music by J.P. Skelly. Brooklyn, Chas. W. Held, 1889.

At the Centennial galop. By Thomas F. Murphy. New York, G. P. Benjamin, 1876.

Bring out the flag, boys. By John Ford. Philadelphia, F.A. North & Co., 1876.

Calendar galop. By A. Typo. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co., 1875.

Centennial fountain. Grand march. By E. Mack. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker, 1877.

Centennial grand march. By Harvey C. Pratt. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons, 1876.

Centennial hymn. Words by John G. Whittier. Music by John K. Paine. Philadelphia, J. E. Ditson & Co., 1876.

Centennial hymn: to the American people. Words by Wm. Fenimore. Music by W.P. Fenimore. Philadelphia, Louis Meyer, 1876.

The centennial is over. By Will Gaylord. Cleveland, A.J. Peck, 1877.

Centennial legion march. By J.S. Knight. n.p., G.D. Russell & Co., 1876.

Centennial march. By Henry B. Hart. Op. 51. New York, G. Schirmer, 1873.

Centennial march. By H. Maylath. New York, J.L. Peters, 1875.

Centennial national song. Words by M.I.W. Music by H. Weber. Nashville, Jesse French, 1875.

Centennial ode. By Julia M. Swift. n.p., n.d.

Centennial ode of welcome. Words by Col. Thomas C. MacDowell. Music by H.C. Orth. Philadelphia, F.A. North & Co., 1876.

Centennial ode. Song and chorus. Words by Samuel C. Upham. Music by Adam Geibel. Philadelphia, Wm. H. Boner & Co., 1875.

Centennial on the brain. Words by Arthur W. French. Music by Gomer Thomas. Boston, Oliver Ditson, 1876.

Centennial polka. By Fr. Baumfelder. Lith. By J.H. Bufford's Sons, Boston. Philadelphia, J.E. Ditson & Co, 1876.

The centennial polka. Composed by a descendant of a revolutionary officer. New York: Wm. A. Pond & Co., 1876.

Centennial promenade march. By P. deRoode. Philadelphia, W.H. Boner & Co., 1876.

Centennial song. Composed by Julia M. Swift. Philadelphia, A.H. Rosewig, 1876.

Centennial song. The old thirteen. New York, D. Sloan Holden, 1876.

Centennial song. To the heroes of '76. By Julia M. Swift. n.p., n.d.

Centennial waltzes. Composed and arranged by J. Jay Watson. New York, J.L. Peters, 1875.

The century bird. Song and chorus. Words by W.H. Woodhams. Music by J. Maurice Hubbard. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons, 1876.

Columbia's centennial greeting. A cantata. Poem by Samuel C. Upham. Philadelphia, S.C. Upham, 1876.

Columbia's grand march. 1776-1876. By Julius E. Miller, Op. 181. Baltimore, George Willig & Co., 1876.

Exposition march for piano. By H.G. Andres. New York, J.L. Peters, 1876.

The exposition medal grand march. By Adam Geibel. Op. 30. Philadelphia, J.M. Armstrong, 1876.

The flag that bears the stripes and stars. Words by Major G. Nelson Smith. Music by A.H. Rosewig. Philadelphia, A.H. Rosewig, 1876.

The flag that's waved a hundred years. Grand march. By E. Mack. Boston, John F. Perry, 1876.

Forever! A Centennial quartette. By S.C. Hanson. Cincinnati, John Church & Co., 1876.

Good-bye, Uncle Caleb. A centennial song. By Walter Kittredge. Philadelphia, F. A. North &Co., 1876.

Grand centennial march. By Ch. Zeuner. Boston, C. Bradlee, [1876.]

Grand centennial waltzes. By J. Jay Watson. New York, J.L. Peters, 1875.

Grand festival march. For the opening of the Centennial, commemorative of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. Composed and dedicated to the Women's Centennial Committees, by Richard Wagner. Arranged for the piano by Theodore Thomas. Cincinnati, John Church & Co., 1876.

Grand international medley (potpourri internationale). For piano. By C.F. Blandner. Philadelphia, Louis Meyer, 1876.

The great centennial. A new view of the matter. By Howard Paul. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker, 1875.

Hand in hand. By Karl Reden. n.p., n.d.

Horticultural grand march. By E. Mack. Philadelphia, W. H. Boner & Co., 1876

A hundred years ago today. Solo and chorus. Words by R.H. Chittenden. Music by Theodore Moelling. New York, Wm. A. Pond, 1876.

Hymn for the first centennial of the American independence. By A. Carlos Gomes. London. n.p., n.d.

Marseillaise hymn. Arranged by E. Mack. Philadelphia, W.H. Boner & Co., 1876.

Memorial march. By E. Mack. Philadelphia, J.E. Ditson & Co., 1876.

The men of 76. Centennial song and chorus. Words by George Cooper. Music by Harrison Millard. Jersey City, W. H. Ewald & Bro., 1875.

The nation's grand centennial march. By Prof. Harry Schroeder. New York, Chas. A. Atkinson & Co., 1876.

Oh be patriotic. Song and chorus. By Arabella M. Root. New York, A.M. Root, 1876, 1877.

Old '76 medley. National and patriotic airs. Columbia's flag is waving a welcome to all. By W.D. Raphaelson. New York, J.L. Peters, 1876.

One hundred years ago. Words by D. Brainerd Williamson. Music by Carl Gartner. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker, 1873.

Our nation's medley. By Chas. D. Blake. Boston, White-Smith Music Publishing Co., 1876.

Song of "1876." Words by M.J. McGlynn. Music by John M. Loretz, Jr. Philadelphia, J.E. Ditson & Co., 1876.

The song of the car bell. By Carrie Bell. Lith. by A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore, George Willig & Co., 1876.

Souvenir de Philadelphie. Grand caprice centennial. By Henry Herz Andrews. New York, Thomas J. Hall, 1876.

The star-spangled banner. Variations. By C.F. Blandner. Philadelphia, Louis Meyer, 1876.

That Banner a Hundred Years Old. Words by B. Devere. Music by Eddie Fox. Cincinnati, F.W. Helmick, 1876.

The triumph of the nation's age. Song and chorus. Words by W.J. McGuire. Music by E. Mack. Philadelphia, G. Andre & Co., 1876.

The voice of the old bell. Words by Wellesley Bradshaw. Music by J. S. Thompson. Philadelphia, C.W. Alexander, 1876.

Washington's march. By Rud. Aronson. New York, Edward Aronson, 1876.

The wax lady at the centennial. Serio-comic song. By Eddie Fox. Philadelphia, Chas. F. Escher Jr., 1876.

Further Reading

Print Materials

This checklist contains Free Library of Philadelphia holdings related to the 1876 Centennial International Exposition. Works cited include children's books, scholarly studies, guidebooks, poetry, manuscripts, a murder mystery, humor, musical scores, and a video recording. Entries in this checklist are arranged in one alphabet, regardless of format or target audience. Free Library of Philadelphia call numbers are included in italics at the end of the entry, when applicable. A separate, extensive bibliography of sheet music related to the Centennial is available. There is also a separate checklist of children's materials related to the Centennial and a listing of web resources.

For readers seeking the official documents of the Centennial, the Philadelphia City Archives of the Department of Records should be consulted. The Philadelphia City Archives collection contains the official publications of the United States Centennial Commission and the Centennial Board of Finance including journals of proceedings, reports, catalogues, guide books and histories. Much is in manuscript form, minutes, correspondence, reports and financial records; architectural papers, specifications, costs and awards; housekeeping and employee records.


Alexander, Lloyd. The Philadelphia adventure. Dutton Children's Books, 1990.

American enterprise. Burley's United States centennial gazetteer and guide. 1876. Properly indexed, classified and arranged under the personal supervision of the proprietor. Charles Holland Kidder, editor. A general encyclopædia of the United States. Philadelphia, S.W. Burley, 1876. A606 P53114

Barker, Moore & Mein. Purchasing and centennial guide book. Philadelphia, J.W. Frazier, 1875. 606 P53B

Bary, A. B. Design for the proposed Centennial exhibition building. Philadelphia, [n.p.],1874. A725.9 P53

Belgium. Commission de l'exposition internationale de Philadelphie. Catalogue des produits industriels et des œuvres d'art. Bruxelles, Parent, 1876. A606 P5326

Books of the fairs. Microform. Woodbridge, CT, Research Publications, 1989-1990. 607.34 B644O

Brazil. Commissão, Exposição Universal, 1876, Philadelphia. The empire of Brazil at the universal exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. e Lithographia do Imperial Instituto artistico, 1876. A606 P5328

Bricktop. Going to the centennial: and a guy to the great exhibition. New York, Collin & Small, 1876. 817 B762G

Brockett, Linus Pierpont. The silk industry in America. A history: prepared for the Centennial Exposition. [New York, Silk Association of America], 1876. 677.3 B78

Brotherhead, William. The centennial book of the signers: being fac-simile letters of each signer of the Declaration of Independence. With a historical monograph and a history of the centennial exhibition. Philadelphia, J.M. Stoddart & Co., [c1872]. 091 B791

Brown, Dee Alexander. The year of the century: 1876. New York, Scribner, [1966]. 917.3 B812Y

Bruce, Edward C. The century: its fruits and its festival: being a history and description of the centennial exhibition, with a preliminary outline of modern progress. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1877. A606 P5314

Buck, Dudley. The centennial meditation of Columbia. A cantata for the inaugural ceremonies at Philadelphia, May 10, 1876. Poem by Sidney Lanier. Music by Dudley Buck. New York, G. Schirmer, [c1876]. M782.8 B851

Carleton, Will. Young folks' centennial rhymes. New York, Harper & Bros., 1876. RBD CB 1876 C193Y

Celebrating a century: the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. Video recording. Produced for The National Museum History and Technology [by] the Motion Picture Unit, Office of Exhibits Central, Smithsonian Institution, 1976.

The centennial city: Philadelphia … Being a complete guide for strangers to the city and exhibition of 1876. C.A. Coffin [c1876]. 917.481 C332C

Centennial Exhibition (1876: Philadelphia, Pa.) Frank Leslie's illustrated historical register of the Centennial Exposition, 1876. [n.p., n.d.] German edition. 606 P53L GCentennial Exhibition (1876: Philadelphia, Pa.) International exhibition. Portugal, 1876. 606 M423

Centennial Exhibition (1876: Philadelphia, Pa.) Visitors' guide to the centennial exhibition and Philadelphia. May 10th to November 10th, 1876. Authorized by the Centennial Board of Finance, and approved by the Director-General. The only guide-book sold on the exhibition grounds. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott & Co. [c1876]. 606 P53CV

Centennial Exhibition (1876: Philadelphia, Pa.). Women's Executive Committees. Catalogue of charities conducted by women, as reported to the Women's Centennial Executive Committee of the United States, international exhibition, 1876. Philadelphia, Collins, 1876. A606 P53142

The centennial frog and other stories. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen, & Haffelfinger, 1877. RBD CB 1877 C333F

Centennial fun. [s.l. : s.n., 1876?]. A817 C33

Centennial guide; or, where to go and what to see in Philadelphia, 1876. Vickers & Lafferty, c1876. 917.481 C333G

Centennial historical calendar, 1876. T.W. Price, c1875. 917.481 C3332H

Centennial offering of the book of the signers and continental curiosities, containing facsimile letters of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, illustrated with one hundred and three engravings from original paintings and drawings, the only edition in existence. Philadelphia, 1875. 091 C33

Centennial visitors' hotel and boarding-house guide. A compendium of valuable information. S. Smirke [c1876]. 917.481 C333V

Chicago Historical Society. Library. A check list of the Kellogg collection of "patent inside" newspapers of 1876. Prepared for exhibit at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, and now preserved in the library of the Chicago Historical Society. Chicago, The WPA Historical Records Survey Project, 1939. C015.773 C43

Cohen, David Solis. Our show; a humorous account of the international exposition in honor of the centennial anniversary of American independence, from inception to completion, including description of buildings, biographies of managers, reception of foreign dignitaries, opening ceremonies, poem, oration, amusing survey of all departments, incidents, etc., etc., by Daisy Shortcut [pseud.] and Arry O'Pagus [pseud.] Profusely illustrated by A. B. Frost. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1876. A606 P53111

Committee on the National Centennial Commemoration. The National Centennial Commemoration. Proceedings on the one hundredth anniversary of the introduction & adoption of the "Resolutions respecting independency" held in Philadelphia … 1876 … Philadelphia, Printed for the Committee, 1876. A973.313 C73

Complete guide to the Centennial Exposition, Fairmount Park, and the City of Philadelphia. W. Butt, [1876?]. 917.481 C738G

Cowdery, J. T. Hotel guests' guide; the international exhibition at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. New York, Cowdery, 1876. A606 P5332

Dale, John Thomas. What Ben Beverly saw at the great exposition, including the world treasures of the main hall, Uncle Sam's government building … Chicago, Centennial Publishing Co., 1876. 606 P53D

Descriptive guide to the buildings on the line of the West End Passenger Railway Co. CentennialS D. Edwards, [1876?]. 606 P53de

Fagersta Steel Works. Bessemer steel exhibited at the International exhibition in Philadelphia 1876. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1876. A606 P5318

Fletcher, Robert Schenck. The centennial exhibition of 1876 : what we saw, and how we saw it. Philadelphia, S.T. Souder & Co., 1876. A606 P5341

Flory, Jane. The liberation of Clementine Tipton. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1974.Forney, J. W. A centennial commissioner in Europe. 1874-76. Philadelphia [etc.], J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1876. A914 F76

France. Ministère des travaux publics. Universal exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876; notices on the models, charts & drawings relating to the works of the "Ponts & chaussées" & the mines. Paris, G.P.O., 1876. A606 P5313

France. Commission, exposition internationale (1876: Philadelphia). Expositions internationales, Philadelphia, 1876, France: oeuvres d'art et produits industriels. Paris, Commissariat Général, 1876. A606 P53131

Gems of the centennial exhibition: consisting of illustrated descriptions of objects of an artistic character, in the exhibits of the United States, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Russia, Japan, China, Egypt, Turkey, India, etc., etc., at the Philadelphia International Exhibition of 1876. New York, Appleton, 1877. A606 P5333

Godoy, Joaquim Floriano de. A provincia de S. Paulo; trabalho estatistico, historico e noticioso destinado a Exposição industrial de Philadelphia (Estados-Unidos) … pelo senador do imperio Dr. Joaquim Floriano de Godoy … Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do Diario do Rio de Janeiro, 1875. 918.1 G54

Gores, Stan. 1876 centennial collectibles and price guide: including a history of the centennial exhibition, with comments on the famous Gillinder & Sons glassworks and a comprehensive report on centennial items of value to antique dealers and collectors. Fond du Lac, Wi., Haber Print. Co., [1974]. 749 G669E

Graham, Mark. The black maria. Avon, 2000.Great Britain. Executive Commission, Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. Reports on the Philadelphia international exhibition of 1876. London, Eyre, 1877-1878. A606 P5312

Great Britain. Executive Commission, Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. Reports on the Philadelphia international exhibition of 1876; plans; appendix; presented to both Houses of Parliament … London, Eyre, 1877. A606 P53157

Great Britain. Executive Commission, Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. Official catalogue of the British section. Published by authority of the Lord President of the Council. London, Printed by G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, for Her Majesty's stationery office, 1876. A606 P53121

A guide to Philadelphia, written and compiled by N. & G. Taylor Co. For the use of their customers during the Centennial International Exposition. [Philadelphia], 1876. 917.481 N216G

Guide to the exhibition. New York: New York Tribune [1876]. 917.481 G941E

Handbook to the centennial grounds and Fairmount Park. Where to go and what to see. Philadelphia, J. E. Potter & Company, [c1876]. A606 P5335

Hatfield, Martin & White, architects. A plan for the adaptation of Memorial Hall; prepared for the Fairmount Park Commission, Philadelphia [by] Hatfield, Martin & White, architects; A. Ernest D'Ambly, mechanical engineers, [and] Nicholson & Rothbaum, structural engineers. [Philadelphia],1958. 917.481 H284P

Hilton, Suzanne. The way it was—1876. Philadelphia, Westminster Press, [1975]. J917.3 H567W

Holley, Marietta. Josiah Allen's wife as a P.A. and P.I. Samantha at the Centennial. Designed as a bright and shining light, to pierce the fogs of error and injustice that surround society and Josiah, and to bring more clearly to view the path that leads straight on to virtue and happiness. Hartford, Conn., American Publishing Company, 1877. 817 H72

Hopkins, James H. Centennial celebration of American independence. [n.p., n.d.]. RBD LC 23 148

Ideen, Marie A. Centennial call to all nations. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1876. 240 ID2

Idell, Albert E. Centennial summer. Henry Holt and Co., 1943.Illustrated guide to Fairmount Park and the centennial exhibition, grounds and buildings. Lippincott, c1876. 917.481 IL58F

Important events of the century: containing historical and important events during the last hundred years. Illustrations and descriptions of the great centennial exhibition at Philadelphia…also, a classified…list of a large number of leading business houses. New York, United States Central Publishing Co., 1876. R973 IM7

Ingram, J. S. Centennial exposition described and illustrated, being a concise and graphic description of this grand enterprise commemorative of the first centennary [!] of American independence. Philadelphia, Hubbard Bros. [etc., etc., c1876]. A606 P5319

International Exhibition 1876. Art Department. [n.p., n.d.]. A606 P5314a

Keyser, Charles Shearer. Fairmount Park and the international exhibition at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1876. A711 F1614

Le Sears, M. The preliminary issue of the American centennial; a collection of new and original instrumental & vocal music, adapted for the piano and organ. New York, Moore, 1873. M780.8 L56

Lindehn, H. A. W. Illustrerad hand-bok till Philadelphia och dess omgifningar, särskildt för dem som besöka Verldsutställningen 1876 … C.P. Thore, [c1875]. 917.481 L641I SW

Maass, John. The glorious enterprise: the centennial exhibition of 1876 and H. J. Schwarzmann, architect-in-chief. [Watkins Glen, N.Y.] Published for the Institute for the Study of Universal History Through Arts and Artifacts, by the American Life Foundation, [1973]. 917.3 M112G

McCabe, James Dabney. A centennial view of our country and its resources. Giving a brief outline history of the birth and growth of the nation and each state separately… Philadelphia, Springfield, Mass. [etc.] Hubbard Brothers, [c1876]. R917.3 M121

McCabe, James Dabney. The illustrated history of the centennial exhibition, held in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of American independence. With a full description of the great buildings and all the objects of interest exhibited in them … to which is added a complete description of the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, The National Publishing Co., [1876]. A606 P53156

Magee's illustrated guide of Philadelphia and the centennial exhibition: a guide and description to all places of interest in or about Philadelphia, to the centennial grounds and buildings, and Fairmount Park. Philadelphia: R. Magee, 1876. 917.481 M2712I

McKeever, Harriet B. Young America at the centennial. Philadelphia, Campbell Printing Press, 1876. RBD CB 1876 M194Y

Manuscript report (with two illustrated broadsides) of the Director General of the United States Centennial Commission to President Grant, dated 1874.

The masterpieces of the centennial international exhibition illustrated catalogue. Philadelphia, Gebbie & Barrie, [1876-78]. A606 P5329

Mills, Charles K. The Schuylkill; a centennial poem. Philadelphia, Haddock, 1876. A811 M62

Moore, Julia A. The sentimental song book. Grand Rapids, Mich., C. M. Loomis, book and job printer, 1876. M784.4 M784

National Association of Wool Manufacturers. The awards and claims of exhibitors at the International exhibition, 1876. Containing the official awards, with the respective claims of each exhibitor, and the general reports of the judges in the departments of textile materials, fabrics, and machinery. Boston, National Association of Wool Manufacturers, [1877]. A606 P53148

National Museum of History and Technology. 1876: a centennial exhibition: a treatise upon selected aspects of the great international exhibition held in Philadelphia on the occasion of our nation's one-hundredth birthday, with some reference to another exhibition held in Washington commemorating that epic event, and called 1876. Robert C. Post, editor. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1976. 973.82 N213E

The new century for woman/Woman's Centennial Committee, International Exhibition, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, The Committee, 1876-. 606 N42

The new pocket guide and street directory of Philadelphia. With descriptive sketches of Fairmount Park, Centennial buildings and other places and objects of interest. Philadelphia, J.P. Hunt, 1875. 917.481 N42P3

Nicolai, Richard R. Centennial Philadelphia. Bryn Mawr, Pa., Bryn Mawr Press, 1976. 607.34 N542C

Nobile, A. Vade mecum; or, Guide for the visitors to the Exposition at Philadelphia on occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of its independence. Philadelphia, Collins, 1876. A606 P53153

Norton, Charles Benjamin. Treasures of art, industry and manufacture represented in the American centennial exhibition at Philadelphia 1876. Buffalo, N. Y., Cosack & Co.; Philadelphia, S. T. Souder & Co.; [etc., etc., 1877-78]. A606 P53171

Norton, Frank H. Frank Leslie's historical register of the United States Centennial Exposition, 1876. Embellished with nearly eight hundred illustrations drawn expressly for this work by the most eminent artists in America. Including illustrations and descriptions of all previous international exhibitions. New York, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 1877. 606 P532

Norton, Frank H. Illustrated historical register of the centennial exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, and of the Exposition universelle, Paris, 1878. 25 colored art plates. 800 engravings. New York, The American News Company, [c1879]. A606 P53272

Ohio. State Board of Centennial Managers. Final report of the Ohio State Board of Centennial Managers to the General Assembly of the State of Ohio. Columbus, Nevins & Myers, 1877. 606 P53O

Payne, Brigham. The story of Bacchus, and centennial souvenir. Hartford, Conn., A. E. Brooks, 1876. A974.64 P29

Pennsylvania. Board of Centennial Managers. Pennsylvania and the Centennial Exposition: comprising the preliminary and final reports of the Pennsylvania board of centennial managers, made to the Legislature at the sessions of 1877-8; together with a list of the officers and members of the Board and of the associated committees; and historical sketch of the exhibition; an alphabetical catalogue of Pennsylvania exhibitors; and a series of articles relative to the industries, resources and capabilities of the commonwealth … Philadelphia, Printed for the Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers, by Gillin & Nagle, 1878. A606 P5311

Pennsylvania. Dept. of Public Instruction. Catalogue of the education exhibit of the state of Pennsylvania, with an appendix, containing an outline of the system of public instruction in the state. Lancaster, Pa., From the press of the Inquirer P. & P. Company, 1876. A606 P53147

Pennsylvania Railroad. The centennial exhibition and the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1776-1876. Rand, McNally, [1876?]. 606 P53P

Philadelphia and its environs. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1872-. 917.481 P54A

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Memorial Hall. Model of the centennial exhibition of 1876; Memorial Hall, Fairmont Park. Philadelphia, [n.p.], 1901. A606 P53155

Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly. Centennial historical discourses delivered in the city of Philadelphia, June, 1876, by appointment of the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America with the moderator's sermon before the general assembly of 1876. Philadelphia, Presbyterian Board of Publication, [1876]. 285.1 P92

Randel, William Peirce. Centennial; American life in 1876. Philadelphia, Chilton Book Co, [1969]. 917.3 R161C

Rydell, Robert W. All the world's a fair: visions of empire at American international expositions, 1876-1916. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1984. 909.8107 R972A

Rydell, Robert W. World of fairs: the century-of-progress expositions. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993. 973.9074 R972W

Sandhurst, Phillip T. The great centennial exhibition, critically described and illustrated by Phillip T. Sandhurst and others. Philadelphia: P. W. Ziegler & Co., [c1876]. A606 P5339

Saunders, Frederick, ed. Our national centennial jubilee. Orations, addresses and poems delivered on the Fourth of July, 1876. In the several States of the Union. New York, E. B. Treat; Chicago, Palmer, Augier & co., [etc., etc.] 1877. R815 SA8

Shannon, Fred A. The centennial years, a political and economic history of America from the late 1870s to the early 1890s. Edited by Robert Huhn Jones. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1967. 973.8 SH19C

Shinn, Earl. The art gallery of the exhibition; a selection from the paintings and sculpture exhibited by Alma-Tadema, Bierstadt, Huntingdon, Moran, with introduction and descriptive text by Edward Strahan [pseud.]. Philadelphia, Gebbie, 1877. A606 P53115

Shinn, Earl. A century after: picturesque glimpses of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, including Fairmount, the Wissahickon, and other romantic localities, with the cities and landscapes of the state. A pictorial representation of scenery, architecture, life, manners, and character. Ed. by Edward Strahan [pseud.]. Philadelphia. Allen, Lane & Scott and J.W. Lauderbach, 1875. 917.481 Sh61C

Siam. Exhibits of articles generally used in Siam & of the samples of trade of Siamese origin … presented to the U. S. of America as a souvenir from the kingdom of Siam. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1876. A606 P5324

Sidenbladh, Elis. Swedish catalogue; International exhibition, 1876. Philadelphia, Hallowell, 1876. A606 P53251

Smith, Andrew F. Popped culture: a social history of popcorn in America. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, c1999. 641.5567 Sm51P

Smith, Walter. Examples of household taste. R. Worthington, [1877?]. 749 SM68E

Smithsonian Institution. Libraries. The books of the fairs: materials about world's fairs, 1834-1916, in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries with an introductory essay by Robert W. Rydell. Chicago, American Library Association, 1992. 016.9074 SM69B

Soley, James Russell. Historical sketch of the United States Naval Academy. Prepared by direction of Rear-Admiral C.R.P. Rodgers, U.S.N, Superintendent Naval Academy, for the Department of Education at the International Exhibition, 1876. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1876. N 112 H 62

Something for the children; or Uncle John’s story of his first visit to the centennial. Philadelphia, Campell Printing Press, 1876. RBD CB 1876 SO54F

Stratton, Ezra M. The world on wheels; or, carriages, with their historical associations from the earliest to the present time, including a selection from the American centennial exhibition. Reprint of the 1878 ed. New York, B. Blom, 1972. 688.609 St82w

Steinwehr, A. von. The centennial gazetteer of the United States. A geographical and statistical encyclopaedia of the states, territories, counties, townships … etc., in the American Union … Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, O., J. C. McCurdy & Company, [c1874]. 917.3 ST37O

Stoddard, Richard Henry. A century after: picturesque glimpses of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, including Fairmount, the Wissahickon, and other romantic localities, with the cities and landscapes of the state: a pictorial representation of scenery, architecture, life, manners, and character. Philadelphia, Allen, Lane & Scott, 1876. 917.481 St64C

The stranger's illustrated pocket guide to Philadelphia, embracing a description of the principal objects of interest … Including the grounds and buildings of the centennial exhibition. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1876. 917.481 St81I

Taylor, Bayard. Centennial ode; the memorial freedom poem. Chicago, Belford, 1889, c76. 811 T211

Thomas, Frank L. My trip to Philadelphia in 1876. Manuscript.

Trout, S. E. The story of the centennial of 1876; golden anniversary. [Lancaster, Pa.], 1929. 606 P53113

United States. Centennial Board of Finance. Celebration of the ninety-ninth anniversary of American independence, in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, July 5th, 1875. Pub. by order of the Centennial Board of Finance. [Philadelphia, King & Baird, printers, 1875]. A606 P5338

United States. Centennial Commission. Ceremony of the distribution of awards to exhibitors in the international exhibition, 1876. Judges' Hall, Wednesday, September 27. Philadelphia, 1876. A606 P53372

United States. Centennial Commission. Committee on Classification. System of classification. Philadelphia, 1875. A606 P53141

United States. Centennial Commission. Committee on Plans and Architecture. Photographs of plans for centennial exhibition buildings. n.p. [n.d.] A606 P53373

United States. Centennial Commission. Grounds and buildings of the centennial exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Edited by Dorsey Gardner. Philadelphia, Lippincott, [1878]. A606 P5336

United States. Centennial Commission. Grouping for the judges' work. Philadelphia, 1876. A606 P53119

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 1876; Acts of Congress, rules and regulations, description of the buildings. Philadelphia, U. S. Centennial Commission, 1875. A606 P5331

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, 1876; appendix to the reports of the United States Centennial Commission and Centennial Board of Finance. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1879. A606 P5322

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, 1876: official catalogue, complete in one volume. Philadelphia, published for the Centennial Catalogue Co. by J. R. Nagle, 1876. A606 P53112

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, 1876, official catalogue (rev. ed.) … Philadelphia, Nagle, 1876. A606 P53116

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, 1876; reports & awards; groups 1-36; edited by Francis A. Walker. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1878, c1876. A606 P53371

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, 1876. Report of the director-general including the reports of the bureaus of administration. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879. A606 P5321

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, 1876; reports of the president, secretary, and executive committee, together with the journal of the final session of the Commission. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1879. A606 P5323

United States. Centennial Commission. International exhibition, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 1876; acts of Congress, rules and regulations, description of the buildings. Philadelphia, U. S. Centennial Commission, 1875. A606 P5331

United States. Centennial Commission. Journal of the proceedings of the United States Centennial Commission, at Philadelphia. Philadelphia: E.C. Markley & Son, printers, 1872-. 973.313 Un32J

United States. Centennial Commission. Officers and members of the United States Centennial Commission: also standing committees [by-laws, and copies of acts of Congress.]. Philadelphia, Office of the Commission, [1873?]. A606 P53374

United States. Centennial Commission. [Officers, members, and standing committees]. [Philadelphia, Markley], 1872. A606 P53375

United States. Centennial Commission. … Official catalogue … Philadelphia, Published for the Centennial Catalogue Company, by J. R. Nagle and Company, 1876. A606 P53

United States. Centennial Commission. Special catalogue of stated displays of live stock; meat cattle (September 21st to October 4th). Philadelphia, Nagle, 1876. A606 P53143

United States. Centennial Commission. Special catalogue of stated displays of live stock. Part I.—Horses (September 1st to 14th). Part II.—Dogs (September 4th to 8th). Philadelphia, Nagle, 1876. A606 P53145

United States. Centennial Commission. Special catalogue of stated displays of live stock. Part I—Sheep and goats. Part II—Swine (October 10th to 18th). Philadelphia, Nagle, 1876. A606 P53144

United States. Centennial Commission. Special catalogue of the display of poultry, October 27 to November 6, 1876. Philadelphia, Sherman, 1876. A606 P53146

Wagner, Richard. American centennial march. Mainz, B. Schott's Söhne, [1876]. M786.5 M12123

Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840-1897. World's fair. Philadelphia, 1876. A critical account. New York, Chicago [etc.], A.S. Barnes & Co., 1877. A606 P533

Westcott, Thompson. Centennial portfolio: a souvenir of the international exhibition at Philadelphia, comprising lithographic views of fifty of its principal buildings, with letter-press description by Thompson Westcott. Philadelphia, T. Hunter, 1876. A606 P53151

Westcott, Thompson. Guide to Philadelphia and vicinity — with a history of the city … H.W. Kelley, [c1875]. 917.481 W522G

Weymouth, Lally. America in 1876: the way we were. Designed by Milton Glaser. New York, Random House, c1976. 973.82 W547A

What is the centennial? And how to see it. [Philadelphia, T.S. Dando, c1876]. 606 P53W

For more and different perspectives of the Centennial Exhibition and life in 1876, visit some of these sites:

Declaration and Protest of the Women of the United States
Broadside from 1876 in the American Memory Collection at the Library of Congress.
National Gallery of Art - Philadelphia Exhibition 1876: Centennial Exposition Map
This map of Fairmount Park shows the exhibition buildings and the transportation circuit. While 450 acres of the park were made available to the fair committee, only 285 were actually developed as fairgrounds, as seen here.
The Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition 
Brief overview from the Internet 1996 World's Fair.
Philadelphia Timeline: 1876   
Timeline presented by the Independence Hall Association, adapted from Happenings in ye Olde Philadelphia 1680-1900 by Rudolph J. Walther, 1925, Walther Printing House, Philadelphia, PA.
Progress Made Visible: American World's Fairs and Expositions 
The Special Collections Department of the University of Delaware Library presents a wide variety of primary source materials relating to the World's Fairs and Expositions held in the United States between 1876 and 1939.
Wisconsin Electronic Reader: Old Abe the War Eagle
Old Abe was a live war eagle from Wisconsin who was exhibited at the Centennial and described in detail in Frank Thomas' diary. This site provides his history and a number of images, part of a cooperative digital imaging project of the University of Wisconsin-Madison the State Historical Society of Wisconsin