

Item Info

Item No: frk0115303
Title: Hymnal
Scripts/Text: Fraktur
Language: German
Weiser Number: 204
Physical Description: Leaf
Watermark: C & IB

[upper left]
steht 297
MEine Seel ermuntre dich \ deines Jesu Lieb bedencke, \ wie er für dich giebet sich. \ darauf deine Andacht lencke, \ Ach erweg die grosse Treue, \ Und dich deines Jesu freue.

[upper right]
Sieh der wahre Gottes Sohn \ ist für dich ans Holz gehängt \ sein Haupt trägt die dornen kron \ sein Leib ist mit Blut vermenget, \ Er läß zich für dich verwunden, \ wo ist grössre Lieb gefunden.

[center left]
steht 413
Sey Gott getreu halt seinen Bund, \ O Mensch in deinem Leben. \ leg diesen Stein zum ersten Grund \ bleib ihm allein ergeben. \ denck an den kauf in deiner Tauf \ da er sich dir verschrieben, \ bey seinem End in Ewigkeit \ als Vater dich zu lieben.

[center right]
Sey Gott getreu laß keinen wind \ des Creutzes dich abkehren, \ Ist er dein Vater du sein Kind, \ Was wilt du mehr begehren. \ Diß höchste Gut macht rechten muth \ kan seine Huld dir werden \ nichts besser ist mein lieber Christ \ im Himmel und auf erden.

[lower left]
der 116 Psalm
Ich lieb den Herrn und ihm drum danck sag, \ Daß er mein flehen gnädig hat erhöret \ und fleißig her zu mir sein ohr gekehret \ Anruffen will ich ihn mein lebetag.

[lower right]
Dann mich hätt bald erhascht der schnelle tod. \ Er hätt mich schier mit seinem strick gefangen. \ Für angst der höllen hefftig mir thät bangen \ Ich war in Jammer und in grosser noth


[upper left]
written as 297
My soul animates you, think of your Jesus’s love, how he gives himself to you. To this direct your devotion, o, consider the great faith and rejoice in your Jesus. 

[upper right]
See, the true son of God was hanged on the wood for you. His head bears the crown of thorns; his body is mixed with blood. He let himself get hurt for you, where can be found greater love.

[center left]
written as 413
Be faithful to God, keep his covenant, o man, in your life. Lay this stone as the foundation, always remain devoted to him. Think of the agreement in your baptism when he became committed to love you as a father at the end in eternity.

[center right]
Be faithful to God, don’t let any wind turn you away from the cross. He is the father, you are his child, what else do you want. This highest good makes good courage that his grace can be yours. Nothing is better, my dear Christ, in heaven and on earth.

[lower left]
The 16th Psalm
I love the Lord and therefore say thanks to him, that he has mercifully heard my prayer and diligently turned his ear to me; I will call on him all my life.

[lower right]
For soon the quick death will snatch me. He will simply catch me with his rope. I was very fearful of hell; I was in despair and great need.

Category: Hymnal
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

N.B. See also FLP Borneman Ms. 145. 


Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The leaf is divided into six sections. Each section contains text in Fraktur and music. They also contained fllowers, including tulips. This music book includes ten hymns. With one exception, they are found in the hymnal Das Kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions, first published by Christopher Saur in 1744. The hymnal was used by the Church of the Brethren. For additional leaves from this music book, see FLP 202, FLP 203, FLP 205, and FLP 206.

Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1800
Image Dimensions Width: 19.7 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1153
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener