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Academic OneFile
Find peer-reviewed, full-text articles from journals in the areas of the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, literature, and more. More than 20,000 peer-reviewed journals and more than 10,900 in full text.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Art Full Text
A comprehensive resource for art information featuring full-text articles dating back to 1995, high-quality indexing and abstracting dating as far back as 1984 as well as abstracting of over 13,000 art dissertations.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Art Index Retrospective 1920-1984
Bibliographic database that cumulates citations to Art Index volumes 1-32 of the printed index published between 1929-1984.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Extensive information about over 120,000 artists from around the world.Available To: Parkway Central Library only. Please visit the Art Department for access.
NewsBank Hot Topics
Trending news and topics for your next assignment! Covers current events, business & economics, civics, government, & politics, social issues, science, technology & health, sports, arts & literature, and people in the news. *Chrome browser not supported.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
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This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through Library Access Funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.