Book of Hours

Medieval Manuscripts
Book of Hours

Item Info

Item No: mca2121811
Additional Title: Book of Hours
Script: Rotunda
Language: Latin
Folio Number: f. 181r
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Inhabited border with peacock
Notes: This border decorates a page from the Office of the Dead. The image of the peacock may relate to the text because, according to legend, the peacock's flesh did not decay. As such, the peacock became a symbol for immortality and resurrection after death, which was the hope the medieval reader as they said these prayers to aid the souls of their deceased friends and family in reaching heaven.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1606326
Country: Country:France

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1499
Image Dimensions Width: 160 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 212

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