Listen to Over 1,800 Podcasts and Watch Almost 500 Videos from Our Author Events Series!

By Author Events RSS Thu, April 2, 2020

Hello, Author Events friends,

While our event season has so far been a bit truncated, we’re willing to bet you haven’t heard or seen the vast majority of the writers we’ve hosted over the past 20 or so years. We also think that you might need some entertainment to pass these days and nights in social isolation. Well, we’ve got you covered: check out over 1,800 free audio podcasts available for streaming on our website!

What sort of categories? Every sort of category! Here's just a very small sampling of genres and authors you can listen to:

Giants of Literary Fiction

Legendary Athletes

Nonfiction Authors

Titans of Politics

Esteemed Scientists


You can search for humor, some of your favorite local Philly personalities, philosophy, genre fiction, wellness and spirituality, financial talks, science fiction, young adult, and just about any other genre under the sun.

Going back to 2016, we’ve also been editing and posting events online. Head over to our YouTube channel for more!

We’re in the process of organizing these videos into playlists in the following categories: history, memoirs, culinary, politics, literary fiction, biographies, science, sports, and social justice

And while you're checking out those videos, don't forget to visit our other channel 20th and Vine, a behind-the-scenes interview series featuring short, intimate backstage conversations with authors!

Are there other playlist categories you’d like to see? For that sort of feedback and other questions about our upcoming events and programming, reach out to us at authorevents @

Take care, Philly. And happy listening! See you in person when this is all over.

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I'm interested in listening to marketing related podcasts
Ahmed Islam - YORK
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Spent many a times in the not far from where Kurt Vonnegut lived over in Schenectady NY
Cj - Albany NY
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Good work, team 👋🏽🙋🏼‍♀️ Thank 📜📚📖🎼🔬⚖️ 🪜🎉 You !
Shanti Cahn - Portland Oregon
Wednesday, July 14, 2021