Posts in “early-literacy” (199)
Blog Articles
Walk outside, take a deep breath, and feel the warm sunshine on your face—Spring is in full swing! The month of May is full of fun little holidays that you can celebrate with the children in… continue reading May 2015 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Sarah S. May 4, 2015
We’re taking a break from our normal book reviews to look at our historical collections at the Free Library. The Children’s Literature Research Collection (CLRC) houses premier… continue reading Aliki's My Five Senses
By written by Sarah S. April 30, 2015 3
Spring has finally sprung, so what better way to celebrate the end of winter and the refreshing shot of warm weather than with a new Early Literacy calendar! Today marks International… continue reading April 2015 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Sarah S. April 2, 2015
What better way to kick off March then celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday? Today marks the 111th birthday of the legendary children's author, as well as National Read Across America Day .… continue reading March 2015 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Sarah S. March 2, 2015
Happy Women's History Month! Anyone who has any contact with children is aware of the incredible popularity of Disney’s Frozen . One of the movie’s appeals is the strong female… continue reading Great Books for Strong Girls
By written by Sarah S. February 26, 2015 1
This month's children's book reviews are written by Stephanie Bujak, Children's Librarian at the Cecil B. Moore Library , who loves to share chapter books with her son. Some… continue reading Great Chapter Books for Preschoolers
By written by Sarah S. February 6, 2015
Last weekend in Chicago, a room full of children's and teen librarians erupted in cheers, gasps, and wild applause for the newest batch of books chosen for the Youth Media Awards, administered… continue reading Caldecott, Newbery, Belpre, Oh My!
By written by Sarah S. February 6, 2015
Looks like our furry little friend in Western Pennsylvania prognosticated this morning we'll be getting 6 more weeks of winter. Chase away those winter blahs with this month's Early… continue reading February 2015 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Rachel F. February 2, 2015
Happy New Year! What better way to ring in 2015 then with this month's Early Literacy Calendar from the Free Library of Philadelphia's children's librarians?! Even NPR knows the… continue reading January 2015 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Rachel F. January 2, 2015
Robert San Souci (pronounced "san soo-see") passed away on December 19 th , leaving a large hole in the world of children’s authors. Many people will recognize San… continue reading Remembering Robert San Souci, folklorist and children's author
By written by Sarah S. January 2, 2015
This winter break, the Free Library of Philadelphia encourages you to spend some quality time with your children reading some great books together! Shared reading time is great way for your child… continue reading Read with your children this winter break!
By written by Michelle S. December 18, 2014 2
Season's Greetings! We're back after the Thanksgiving holiday (and still eating delicious leftovers : ) Hanukkah , Winter Solstice , Christmas , Kwanzaa , and New Years are all up on the… continue reading December 2014 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Jennifer W. December 1, 2014
If there are robust colors bursting from trees, the sun is setting earlier, and you are breaking out your sweaters, then it must be November! Some traditional and unique holidays this month that… continue reading November 2014 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Jennifer W. November 3, 2014
Bonjour! Al Salaam A'alaykum! Ciao! Jambo! Today’s children’s book reviews highlight kids’ books which feature multiple languages. Mostly for English language-speaking… continue reading Say Hello! Books for Kids in Many Languages
By written by Sarah S. October 3, 2014
The air is filled with a crisp Autumn breeze as it flips the calendar page to October. Traditional and unique holidays this month include World Smile Day the first Friday of the month, the Jewish… continue reading October 2014 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Jennifer W. October 1, 2014
Happy first week of fall! Leaves are getting crunchy, the air is getting chilly, and we're ready to settle in for a bit of cozy reading. Here are some of our favorite children's books… continue reading Fall in Love with a Great Book!
By written by Sarah S. September 23, 2014
We hope everyone had a great summer! The weather has been amazing here in Philadelphia with lots of fun outdoor activities, but just because we've flipped the calendar page doesn't mean… continue reading September 2014 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Jennifer W. September 2, 2014
Today is the last day of the Free Library of Philadelphia Summer Reading program, and it’s been quite the whirlwind of fun! Between story times, camp visits, movies, LEGO clubs, art… continue reading We Love Books! (And Your Kids Will Too)
By written by Sarah S. August 8, 2014 2
The summer season is in full swing now and our newest Early Literacy calendar has plenty of fun activities to keep you and your young ones busy all summer long! We are so close to reaching our… continue reading August 2014 Early Literacy Calendar
By written by Jennifer W. July 31, 2014
For young ladies, a princess-themed storytime is always a hit. But for parents (and some unnamed librarians) reading each pink-laced page can be a bit of a saccharine overload. Why not… continue reading Winning Princess Books for Children
By written by Sarah S. July 11, 2014