Posts in “history-of-philadelphia” (64)
Blog Articles
Never having been much of a history buff, and possessing a wholly striking inability to memorize dates, my cultivation of Philadelphia history has been mostly through passive absorption. I have… continue reading #OneBookWednesday | Regional Lenape History
By written by Hannah B. December 11, 2019
What is ‘Black Friday,' and why do we do it? I did some digging... "In 1621, colonists invited Massasoit, the chief of the Wampanoags, to a feast after a recent land deal.… continue reading Did You Know?: Black Friday was Born in Philly
By written by Brittanie S. November 29, 2019
In our ongoing series of historical posts about Philadelphia neighborhoods, today we bring you our neighbors to the northwest, Germantown... Germantown was the first permanent German… continue reading A History Minute: 11 Things You Should Know About Germantown
By written by Administrator June 5, 2018 6
On Sept. 26, 2017, the fence will come down and a new statue will be unveiled: the first new City Hall statue since 1923 and the first of an African American on any city-owned public… continue reading A History Minute: Octavius V. Catto - Philadelphia's Forgotten Freedom Fighter
By written by Administrator September 22, 2017