“This Is a Watchbird Watching YOU”

By Caitlin G. RSS Fri, October 14, 2011

Recently, I began processing the papers of children’s book author and illustrator Munro Leaf. Having already processed the Frederick R. Gardner collection of Robert Lawson, it was a perfect transition to move to the Munro Leaf papers. Munro Leaf (1905-1976) wrote The Story of Ferdinand (1936) for his friend Lawson to illustrate, and they collaborated on three more children’s books: Wee Gillis (1938), an adaptation of Aesop’s Fables (1941), and The Story of Simpson and Sampson (1941). After Frederick R. Gardner donated his Lawson collection to the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia, Munro Leaf’s widow, Margaret, decided to do the same with his papers.

Munro Leaf may be best remembered for Ferdinand but it was finding the material for his long-running Watchbirds series that was an early highlight in the collection. The Watchbirds series reminded me of the Goofus and Gallant cartoons in Highlights magazine that I read at my dentist’s office as a child. (Fun fact: Highlights magazine also ran a similarly themed series by Munro Leaf, Checkaway, in the 1950s.) The Watchbirds cartoons started out as a recurring column in Ladies Home Journal in 1938, but remained a fixture in the cultural mindset even after Leaf’s death in 1976: we have a Watchbirds calendar from 1978 and the most recent Watchbirds book, Four and Twenty Watchbirds, was published in 1990.

The Watchbirds flip the concept of bird-watching onto any potential childhood naughtiness. Did you (or might you) complain about going to bed on time? Refuse to brush your teeth? Throw a tantrum? Watch out, for there’s a watchbird watching YOU. After their popularity grew in Ladies Home Journal, the Watchbirds cartoons were compiled into five books and there is even “The Watchbird Song.” The cartoons followed a standard pattern: a naively drawn caricature (see the original art for “a SQUIRMER” at right) would be accompanied by a cute explanatory caption and two watchbirds. One watchbird would be disappointedly watching the Squirmer, the other would be watching YOU. A SQUIRMER is described by Leaf:

“Squirmers never sit still. They wriggle and wriggle and twist and turn until you wonder why they don’t fall apart. This one in the picture squirmed so much we couldn’t tell whether it was a boy or a girl. Squirmers are terrible at the table or in the barber shop.”

The Watchbirds may be a bit Big Brother for 2011 (they are particularly intimidating when found on adult-targeted brochures, like the one Leaf decorated for the Better Citizens Booth of the League of Women Voters), but Leaf’s captions and absurdist drawings soften the nagging. And if you’re interested in other ways Leaf endeavored to humorously indoctrinate children into good behavior, you might enjoy Manners Can Be Fun (1936), the second entry in a long and occasionally absurd series of titles (1976’s Metric Can Be Fun! is a personal favorite). There’s plenty more in the Munro Leaf collection, so check out our Facebook page for updates or make an appointment to come visit the Rare Book Department to see his whimsy in person!

-Caitlin Goodman

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I grew up with Ferdinand, Wee Gillie, and Watchbirds. One of the favorite Watchbird cartoons in Army counterintelligence was the "Teltapperphoner" Its closing line warned not to be a" phoner on a teltapperphonertapped telephone " It probably did a lot for military securiy!
Eben in NYC, NY - NYC
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I remember during the second world war reading this comic script in the Sunday news paper not the ladies home journal does anyone else ? and where can i obtain copys of the weekly sequence
mary Von Thaden - deer park n.y.
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Seems educational in a funny way
sarah - Minnesota
Friday, January 27, 2012

Thanks for posting these. It looks like I have been trying to get over the implied criticism all my life. In my head, whatever I do, or am doing is wrong. I would have been better off without these subliminal judgments disguised as cartoons!!!! "Get over it" I tell myself but this has been installed very deeply.
tekla - BC Canada
Monday, October 1, 2012

When I was in school in the 50's and lived in Wash.D.C., there was a children's program on television, for pre-schoolers. The teacher would quote the Watchbird Watching You. and all of the children in her class would repeat the lesson of the day. This was probably taken from the local newspaper comics. I reprimanded my children in that fashion as they grew up. They, in turn have done the same. The Watchbird lives on & on.
Carroll - Brunswick, GA
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Today, as I was listing books for moving house, I came across my childhood copy of The Watchbirds and decided to Google the Author, Munro Leaf. It was fascinating to read about him and all the books he wrote. What a wonderful thing the internet is! My mum used to read The Watchbirds to me and I also read it to my 3 children. I believe it's a very effective and fun way of teaching children good behaviour and life lessons. It worked for me and my children and I will be reading it to my grandchildren as well. Jillian, "Down Under" in Australia
Jillian - Sydney, Australia
Monday, September 23, 2013

My mom was a subscriber to the Ladies Home Journal, and I grew up with the Watchbirds. Each month I would measure my behavior against that advocated by the Watchbirds (and was often found wanting in the balance). But for some reason I was riveted by these ornithological wardens, and I have not the slightest doubt that some of the lessons they imparted are permanently lodged in my mental hard drive. For example, it would never occur to me to litter, and when I see a litterbug in action, I grind my molars. Elbows on the table, eavesdropping, interrupting someone in mid-sentence -- all big no-nos, then and now. Ignatius of Loyola said, "Give me the child until he is seven, and he is mine for life." The Watchbirds owned me then, and they own me still.
Ken Puck - Philadelphia
Friday, April 25, 2014

My brother mentioned to me this morning that we had had a Watchbird book as children in Philadelphia in the late 1930's. I was born in 1934, and he in 1936. We also had the Munro Leaf Ferdinand book, so I suppose this was also by Munro Leaf, Don't remember the Ladies Home Journal ones, though I must have seen them. His therapist was appalled that anyone would write such a book for children!
Martha Brons - New Jersey
Friday, August 1, 2014

FINALLY I have some verification on the Watchbirdfsd. Nobody that I know recalls them at all. We had posters in our grade school in the 1940s that exhorted - - not quite threatened - - us to do such things as brush our teeth, wash our hands, and generally behave.
Hugh Spencer - Countryside IL
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I have an original Watchbird "This is a Just-A-Minute" clipping my Mother cut out of the Ladies Home Journal and posted on the refrigerator door. Frequently I was engrossed in play when my Mother called me for dinner and I would say "just a minute." I took the clipping off the refrigerator and hide it. She would find it and tape it back up. I still find myself saying that line, and then recalling the Watchbird's stern look at a "Just a Minute."
Myra Hickey - Virginia
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I became familiar with Watchbirds in the Ladies Home Journal. When Mother became unreasonably demanding about my writing letters home from college ( four a week) I used a penny post card to improvise a cartoon of a Watchbird watching a mailbox watcher. She did not find it as funny as I did, but kept it all these years along with all the other letters, in a bundle I found and read recently. Thanks for providing space to share with other Watchbird reminiscers.
Marge Miller - Wisconsin(50 yrs) now Atlanta GA
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I became familiar with Watchbirds in the Ladies Home Journal. When Mother became unreasonably demanding about my writing letters home from college ( four a week) I used a penny post card to improvise a cartoon of a Watchbird watching a mailbox watcher. She did not find it as funny as I did, but kept it all these years along with all the other letters, in a bundle I found and read recently. Thanks for providing space to share with other Watchbird reminiscers.
Marge Miller - Wisconsin(50 yrs) now Atlanta GA
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I became familiar with Watchbirds in the Ladies Home Journal. When Mother became unreasonably demanding about my writing letters home from college ( four a week) I used a penny post card to improvise a cartoon of a Watchbird watching a mailbox watcher. She did not find it as funny as I did, but kept it all these years along with all the other letters, in a bundle I found and read recently. Thanks for providing space to share with other Watchbird reminiscers.
Marge Miller - Wisconsin(50 yrs) now Atlanta GA
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I recently came across a copy of The Watchbirds a book printed in 1942. Anyone have an idea of value?
Donna - Georgia
Sunday, January 10, 2016

As I watch a crow perched at the top of a cedar tree at the corner of my deck that sports a view of San Francisco, I think he is the watch bird still watching me. I could hardly wait for the mailman to bring the Ladies Home Journal to our house in a small Louisiana town. I was seven when WWII began and I was learning to read. My mother would let me be the first to see the magazine and find the watchbird. I really believed that he watched me...and sometimes I think that crow in the tree is sending me his opinion of my current behavior.
Ione elioff - Berkeley California
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

During my grade school days in the late 1930's and 1940's, Watchbird posters were posted along our hallways and in our classrooms, constantly reminding us kids to behave, because someone was always watching.
Andy - Media, Pennsylvania
Saturday, September 24, 2016

I liked the watchbirs as a 10 year old boy in 1941,but I loved the Spencer Corsttiere ads.
Carl F Stelman - Stratford
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I grew up reading Watchbird cartoons in the Ladies Home Journal. Although I was interested with the lesson presented,, I was much more intrigued with the cartoon drawing. My mother kept many of these cartoons and put them in small book for my daughters, who enjoyed them too.
Suzanne Wyse - Ann Arbor
Sunday, December 18, 2016

My only experience with the WATCHBIRDS was in early grade school. There was one book. First, I had a mother and older siblings who were always bossing me. Second, the WATCHBIRD was just another Big Brpther is watching you. To Donna, who asks about value of your book, I will gladly send you $5 if you will burn it.
Louise Montgomery - Western Illinois
Thursday, June 29, 2017

I'm once again rereading Margaret Atwood's masterpiece, "Cats Eye," and have run across the "Watchbird" section at the end of Chapter 26. It's a great example of how she seamlessly incorporates the specific details of an era, using them to limn both the innate humor of the situation and the character's anxious despair. The Watchbird is cute...but nonetheless he's a judgemental li'l rascal.
Kara Amundson - Louisville
Monday, September 11, 2017

I have 212 Watchbird clippings that my grandmother cut out of the Ladies Home Journal. They are viewable in my public Facebook photo album at this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10204529435770615.1073741833.1074756635&type=1&l=a9824c2a3e
David Jennings - North Carolina
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My mother tormented me with those cartoons, particularly the "Lower Lipper," which she taped to the inside of the linen closet door. I've been looking for those online. Thanks for the memories (if not always happy ones)!
Kathleen Kiska - Spartanburg, SC
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

My mother weaponized the Watchbird cartoons to great effect. They were the stuff of nightmares when I was small. Those ugly sharp-beaked birds, watching me! How to terrorize a child! Moreover, the Squirmer would today be identified as suffering from ADHD and given proper support and treatment (as I was not). The man should never have been let loose around children. What a sadist.
Anna - Vermont
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Thanks for the blog post, just been listening to a BBC podcast The Road to 1984, on the author's fear of totalitarianism, and The Watchbirds popped into my head: the book we had was shown to me in the 80s by my mother raised in the 40s and it struck me then as highly political.
Adrianne Monroe - St Albans UK
Monday, January 20, 2020

I am 76 years old and was having a bad day, sitting and trying to think my way out of it, when all of a sudden what popped into my head was "There is a Watchbird watching YOU!" Almost reflexively I ran to the computer and typed Watchbird into the URL finder, and this site popped up. Good Grief...is this dreadful monster still around? I was hoping it was just a figment of my imagination....but, No. I can remember my parents scolding me and pointing to the Watchbird. Argghhh! Trouble is, I can't remember what my infraction was that caused the shaming so the message was wasted on me; the corrective didn't take but the fear stayed with me forever. Even as youngster I sensed the hypocrisy because I also remember wondering if parents had a Parental Watchbird watching their every move, too. Because they certainly needed one. I appreciate the few other comments here that clearly state how dreadful and small and mean this was as a way to communicate to children about how to "behave." It is devoid of love, but hides under the guise of humor, as a way to control (but NOT to educate.)
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I had a scrapbook as child in the late 40s of the Watch bird Watching You cartoons. I thought it was in Colliers, Post or one of those magazines. I faithfully cut them out of every magazines and put them into my scrapbook. I lost it along the way and wish I could find them somewhere.
Maggie - Minneapolis
Thursday, April 16, 2020

My mother subscribed to the Ladies Home Journal for many years and always showed me the watch bird page in the 30s I HATED the "Little Watch Bird watching you" or more personally...me. I also disliked owls until becoming a nature activist . For young sensitive children it was like internalizing the eternal critic and actually followed me unconsciously all my life to this day overriding all attempts toward self acceptance.
Marilyn - BC Canada
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

When i watch birds then i fell happy
Aarush Sharma - Jamshadpur
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

I loved these books so much when I was a kid growing up in the 50s
Phyllis Ferguson - Toledo Ohio
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

I grew up reading Watchbird from probably 1945 on. I thought they were in LOOK magazine but it must have been Ladies Home Journal since Mom took those 2 plus LIFE. Once in a while I could see myself and tried to improve my character. Glad Munro Leaf made these and they are in my scrapbook to this day!
Kristin Mangino - Vancouver, WA.
Friday, January 7, 2022

My mother used to read these to me out of the Ladies Home Journal - and I hated them! I didn't know who Big Brother was, but at the age of four I recognized the type.
Laura - Virginia
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Brings back my childhood. I'm 79 today!
Gerald Fitzsimmons - San Ramon, California
Thursday, December 15, 2022