Use our subscription databases to find citations and full text articles. To get started, just click on the database that you would like to search. If you're outside the library, you may need to enter your library card number and PIN in order to access the database.
Business Plans Handbook Online
Search sample business plans from a wide range of businessesAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
D&B Global Business Browser (formally OneSource: D&B Business Browser Pro)
Find company information and market research, including RMA and Datamonitor reports, in-depth company and executive profiles, and detailed financial information. Great for research on international and multinational companies.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale Business Insights: Global
Search companies, brands, market rankings, investment reports, corporate histories, industry studies and business news from a variety of reference sources, directories, and periodicals.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Explore over 1,200 nonfiction, fully searchable reference titles. Access accurate information on science, literature, history, business, and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale Legal Forms
Gale Legal Forms provides access to thousands of customizable legal documents. Using the templated forms, individuals can create accurate, reliable legal documents specific to their state without stress or uncertainty.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale Small Business Builder
Gale Small Business Builder is a step-by-step online planning tool for starting, managing and optimizing a business or nonprofit.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
LinkedIn Learning (formerly
Learn business, creative, and technology skills to achieve your personal and professional goals.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Mergent Intellect
Generate insightful business intelligence with this collection of international private and public business data, industry news, and executive contact information.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Philadelphia Business Journal Online
Find the latest breaking local business news, updated throughout the day, this week's top stories from the Philadelphia Business Journal, and other popular features from the print edition such as the the Book of Lists.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Reference Solutions (Formerly ReferenceUSA)
A powerful tool providing access to in-depth information on businesses and residents. Research companies, locate addresses, phone numbers, conduct market research, and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
A mapping and data visualization application that makes it easy to create interactive maps and reports using powerful demographic, business, and marketing data.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Universal Class
Over 1,500 online continuing education courses in a wide variety of subjects at your own pace from real instructors.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through Library Access Funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.