Use our subscription databases to find citations and full text articles. To get started, just click on the database that you would like to search. If you're outside the library, you may need to enter your library card number and PIN in order to access the database.
Access PA
An access portal to a suite of resources provided by the Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Access Video On Demand: Just for Kids
Over 12,000 ad-free entertaining and educational videos, games, songs, and interactives like Sesame Street, Electric Factory, Reading Rainbow, Baby Einstein and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
American Song
Listen to over 50,000 recordings from America's past; songs by and about American Indians, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers, and cowboys; songs of Civil Rights, Prohibition, the Civil War, and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
A digital literacy resource, for grades preK-3, that pairs animated fiction stories with nonfiction ebooks to build a love of reading. Includes lesson plans for teachers and tips for caregiversAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Classical Music Library
A comprehensive database of distinguished classical recordings offered in streaming format. The Classical Music Library also includes anthology playlists linked to the major music history and appreciation textbooks.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
ComicsPlus Children
Adventure Time, Bone, Minecraft, and the Big Nate series and more. Simultaneous use will allow whole-class read-alongs. A Free Library card and PIN is required for onsite and offsite use. Mobile app available: use library card and PIN.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Contemporary World Music
This resource includes contemporary and traditional world music including tracks of reggae, worldbeat, neo-traditional, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing and jazz, and other genres.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
eMagazines on OverDrive (formerly RBdigital Magazines)
Read and download over 4,000 digital magazines on OverDrive or the Libby app.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
Es la mejor herramienta de referencia en español para niños. Spanish-language tool for those learning Spanish and ELL students. Spanish and English text. Includes concise articles, videos, maps and activities more. (Recommended grades K+)Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Free Library of Philadelphia Online Public Access Catalog
Catalog of The Free Library of Philadelphia's CollectionAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Explore over 1,200 nonfiction, fully searchable reference titles. Access accurate information on science, literature, history, business, and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale in Context | Elementary (formerly Kids InfoBits)
Students in K-5th grade will find kid-friendly content covering topics such as animals, arts, geography, health, literature, people, social studies, technology, and more! Includes more than 16,600 images and over 600 high-quality educational videos.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale in Context | Middle School (formerly Research in Context)
Gale in Context | Middle School provides support for middle grade students working on papers and projects. Includes full-text magazine & news articles, multimedia, biographies, and primary sources.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Gale In Context: High School
Primary documents, biographies, topical essays, background information, critical analyses, full-text coverage of 800 magazines, photographs and illustrations, audio and video clipsAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
HistoryMakers Digital Archive
HistoryMakers Digital Archive is the nation's largest African American video oral history collection with high-quality primary source content, with fully searchable transcripts, from thousands of people from a broad range of backgrounds and experiencesAvailable To: All Free Library locations. Please visit one of our locations for access.
Homework Help Online
Live, online tutoring every day in English or Spanish from 9 a.m. - midnight for K-12, college, and adults. Upload a writing sample or math problem and get feedback. Mobile app available: To Go. Create an online account for full app access.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Jazz Music Library
Jazz Music Library will be the largest and most comprehensive collection of jazz available online.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Acclaimed movies, documentaries and kids films. Note: Kanopy is unable to filter for Children's Restricted Cards. Mobile app available: create an account for best results.Available To: Free Library card holders
Kids from World Book Online
Ideal learning resource for elementary-aged students and up. Easy-to-read articles, engaging games, science projects, and activities. Additional teaching tools for educators and parents make this a complete solution for elementary-aged students.Available To:
Kid's POWER Library
Access all of Power Library's great resources for kid'sAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
KidsHealth is the most-visited site on the Web for information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Literature Criticism Online
This extensive compilation of literary commentary represents a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras, and genres. Covers Children’s, Classical, Contemporary, Drama, Poetry, Shakespearean, and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Mango Languages
An online language-learning system for 70+ languages. Now includes American Sign Language (ASL). Mobile app available - create an online account for full app access.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Music Online
Find and listen to music from a variety of genresAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
New York Times Anywhere
Enjoy an unlimited number of free 72-hour passes to, including historical coverage and international Spanish and Chinese editions. Crossword access is not included. Registration at is required.Available To: Free Library card holders
NoveList K-8 Plus
Find your next favorite book! This resource for students in grades K-8 helps to suggest books to read based on books you already know and love.Available To: All Free Library locations and Internet with authentication
Overdrive Kid's eReading Room
Download ebooks and audiobooks for readers ages 0-12. Get the Libby app to borrow on the go.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
OverDrive Sala de Lectura Electrónica en Español
Descargue libros electrónicos y audiolibros en español para niños, adolescentes, y adultos. (Download ebooks and audiobooks in Spanish for kids, teens, and adults.)Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Overdrive World Languages eReading Room
Download ebooks and audiobooks in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, French, and other languages. Get the Libby app to borrow on the go.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Popular Music Library
Find a wide range of popular music from around the world, including pop music, alternative, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, reggae, rock, soundtracks and more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
POWER Library
Pennsylvania Online World of Electronic ResourcesAvailable To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Sign up for this research-based text messaging program for parents of children between the ages of birth to five and receive fun facts and easy tips to boost your child’s learning delivered right to your phone.Available To: All Free Library locations and online
Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries
With an extraordinary array of more than 35,000 individual tracks of streaming music, spoken word, and natural and human-made sounds, users can listen to performances by American folk icons such as Woody Guthrie, Lead Belly, Pete Seeger and many more.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Student from World Book Online
(Recommended grades 5+) This trusted online encyclopedia contains a Biography Center, current events, research guides, Citation Builder, games, and integrations with Google Classroom and Microsoft OneDrive.Available To:
Student Search: General Encyclopedia
Search across a range of digital encyclopedias to find information on any topic.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
Timelines from World Book Online
Timelines offers hundreds of timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch. (Recommended grades 5+)Available To:
Read the book and watch the movie! TrueFlix provides a selection of digital books from Scholastic Publishing and pairs each with a film for a fun, new way to learn for Grade 3 and up.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
TumbleBooks is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading. Check out our home user guide. Mobile App: use your library card and PIN.Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.
World Book Online
Popular online encyclopedia for children and teens, including Spanish language content.Available To: All Free Library locations and internet with authentication.
POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through Library Access Funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.