Posts in “neighborhood-libraries” (171)

Blog Articles

I have a confession to make—I am that friend who always wants to get a trivia team together on a Tuesday night. I’m also that kid who read Trivial Pursuit cards for fun to see if I… continue reading Celebrating the Trivia Nerd in All of Us

By written by Christine M.    January 4, 2019    3

In this fast-paced world of ours, it’s easy to forget to take a minute or two to slow down. Hopefully, this Thanksgiving will allow us all a chance to sit back and reflect on what’s… continue reading What We’re Thankful For This Year

By written by Kate C.    November 21, 2018   

Maybe when they say November 17 is Take a Hike Day , they mean you’re supposed to tell someone on your nerves to go take a hike?! Hmmm. *shrug emoji* In any case, we figured it was a good… continue reading Celebrate Take a Hike Day with the Free Library!

By written by Kate C.    November 16, 2018   

In this city of neighborhoods, exciting new programs focused on cultural, artistic, and civic engagement for adults are happening in communities all across Philadelphia and now being implemented… continue reading Division of Cultural and Civic Engagement Brings Adult Programs to Neighborhood Libraries

By written by Kate C.    October 26, 2018   

Now more than ever , students and teachers at our schools need the information and skills that librarians and libraries can provide. This year, the Free Library is working to spread the word about… continue reading Better Together: The Free Library Partners with Schools

By written by Jess P.    October 26, 2018   

The Free Library was founded with the goal of helping Philadelphians achieve personal enlightenment, and has continuously evolved to reach this goal in an ever-changing city and world. To further… continue reading Introducing the Division of Cultural and Civic Engagement!

By written by Kate C.    October 22, 2018    1

In July, the Free Library launched its new strategic plan for the next three years. This plan is a refresh of our prior five-year plan and keeps the same mission: Advance literacy, guide learning,… continue reading Check Out Our New Strategic Plan!

By written by Autumn M.    October 18, 2018    5

In the summer of 2017, Kristen Albee, a local mom who regularly attends Pre-K Storytime with her daughter at the Queen Memorial Library in Point Breeze, fostered a connection between the library… continue reading South Philly Storytime Partnership Blooms – Literally!

By written by Liz G.    October 15, 2018   

The World Traveling Trunk Project was officially launched in June 2018 during Immigrant Heritage Month , when “Every voice is unique, Every story is powerful.” Since then,… continue reading Blueprint for Collective Unity: The World Traveling Trunk Project

By written by Mary Marques    October 12, 2018   

The Skills for Community-Centered Libraries initiative – a series of trainings meant to build community engagement capacities among staff – launched on October 2, so it’s a good… continue reading Defining Community Engagement and Outreach

By written by Community-Centered Libraries    October 11, 2018   

September is Self-Improvement Month , and if you’ve been thinking about taking steps to become your best self, now is the time. Let the Free Library – and your library card , of course… continue reading Let the Free Library Help You Grow During Self-Improvement Month!

By written by Kate C.    September 26, 2018   

In addition to Library Card Sign-Up Month (woo-hoo!), September is National Literacy Month . As you would expect, literacy is very near and dear to our hearts here at the Free Library, and a core… continue reading Happy National Literacy Month!

By written by Kate C.    September 18, 2018   

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month , and while we all know that a library card grants you instant access to a treasure trove of books, DVDs, and audiobooks from our catalog , we… continue reading Library Card Signup Month | You Can Get WHAT at the Free Library?

By written by Kate C.    September 10, 2018    3

The summer is heating up, and as we all try our best to deal with the rising temperatures, don’t forget that the Free Library of Philadelphia is a great place to cool off! From books and… continue reading Celebrate Those Dog Days of Summer with the Free Library!

By written by Kate C.    July 27, 2018    2

Can you BEE-lieve it? The Richmond Library is now the proud owner of an observatory honey bee hive ! It’s true that the Free Library is home to many unique and wonderful programs and… continue reading The Buzz at Richmond Library

By written by Amy T.    July 11, 2018    3

“We are the leaders we have been waiting for.” Grace Lee Boggs, Philosopher and Activist   The Free Library of Philadelphia is full of leaders, and so are the neighborhoods in… continue reading The Leaders We Have Been Waiting For

By written by Community-Centered Libraries    July 6, 2018   

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