Castner Scrapbook v.19, Disasters, Criminal Prisons 1, page 1b

Historical Images of Philadelphia Castner Scrapbook Collection
Castner Scrapbook v.19, Disasters, Criminal Prisons 1, page 1b

Item Info

Item No: pdcc03140
Title: Castner Scrapbook v.19, Disasters, Criminal Prisons 1, page 1b
Historic Street Address: 4th & Chestnut Streets, SW corner
Historic Street Address: 584 S Christopher Columbus Boulevard
Historic Street Address: 8215 Torresdale Avenue
Media Type: Scrapbooks
Source: Print and Picture Collection

Item 1, top left:  Slip ballad (early printed song lyrics) for the song "Sad Times, The Burning of the Steamboat New Jersey," printed in 1856 by Johnson's Cheap Card and Job Printing, Philadelphia.  The lyrics by Ned Buntline were set to the tune of "Hard Times Come Again No More."  This song was written to commemorate the tragic fire on March 15, 1856, aboard the Steamboat New Jersey, on the Delaware River, between Philadelphia and Camden, NJ.  Defective boilers and a fireplace were blamed for the fire, which destroyed the boat and killed 62 people.  Printed slip ballad, 11.5 x 22.5 cm, 1856.

Item 2, top right:  Image of the Franklin Sugar Refinery, owned by the firm of Harrison & Havermeyer, after a fire destroyed the entire block bounded by (then) Delaware Avenue, Swanson, Almond, and Bainbridge streets.  The fire, on September 25, 1882, was estimated to have caused $1 million in losses to the comapny.  Photographic print, 12 x 15 cm, 1882.

Item 3, bottom left:  Newspaper item about a robbery at the Bank of Philadelphia, at 4th & Chestnut Streets, on October 20, 1816.  The robber successfully broke into the bank vault via a sewer and made off with many uncut sheets of notes; but he carelessly left clippings in his apartment and was eventually apprehended.  Text of an article from an unidentified newspaper, 6 x 5 cm, undated.

Item 4, center right:  Engraving by Van Ingen-Snyder of the new Holmesburg Prison, opened in 1896.  Located at 8215 Torresdale Avenue, it was meant to relieve overcrowding at the Moyamensing Prison.  It was decommissioned in 1995, but the structure is still there.  Engraving, 14 x 11.5 cm, c. 1896.

Item 5, bottom right:  Image of police patrol activity in Philadelphia.  Reproduction of an illustration by F. C. Schell, for an unidentified publication, 14 x 6.5 cm, undated (but c. 1880s).

Creation Year: 1845
Geocode Latitude: Geocode Longitude:-75.147585
Geocode Latitude:39.948839

Call Number: A917.481 P536 v.19
Creator Name: Castner, Samuel, Jr., 1843-1929 - Compiler
Ned Buntline - Author
Van Ingen-Snyder - Engraver
F. C. Schell - Lithographer

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