Castner Scrapbook v.19, Disasters, Criminal Prisons 1, page 40

Historical Images of Philadelphia Castner Scrapbook Collection
Castner Scrapbook v.19, Disasters, Criminal Prisons 1, page 40

Item Info

Item No: pdcc03195
Title: Castner Scrapbook v.19, Disasters, Criminal Prisons 1, page 40
Historic Street Address: 2nd & High (now Market) Streets
Media Type: Scrapbooks
Source: Print and Picture Collection

Item 1, top:  First chapter of the book "Franklin & Fires," published in Philadelphia in 1906.  The drawing at the top is captioned, "From heading of Policy of English 'HAND-IN-HAND' issued in 1769, showing Fire Engine and Hook."  [Note:  To clarify, the image was taken from the heading of an English fire insurance company's policy, issued in colonial Phialdephia in 1769.  The insignia at the top of the drawing depicts clasped hands beneath the British crown.] The beginning of the book extols Benjamin Franklin's wealth of knowledge and skills across varied discliplines.  Although this item only shows one page, the entire book can be read online, scanned from a copy belonging to the Library of the University of Illinois.  Page 3 from the book "Franklin & Fires", 13.5 x 18 cm, copyright 1906, reprinted 1922. 

Item 2, bottom:  Image captioned, "Prison and Market Shambles, Middle of Market Street, East of Second Street."  Accounts vary as to when this brick structure was in use--sometime between 1695 and 1720.  Called the High Street Prison, it faced 2nd Street, with the series of shops to the right, called The Shambles, running down the middle strip of what was then a divided High (now Market) Street.  This prison was replaced by the significantly-larger Old Stone Prison in 1722, occupying the nearby SW corner of 3rd & High Streets; thereafter, the name High Street Prison is often used interchangeably with Old Stone Prison, but the different addresses inform which prison is meant. This drawing depicts a c. 1720 scene, showing the High Street Prison, the Shambles, a guardhouse to the left of the prison, and two prisoners in the stocks and at the whipping post next to it.  Reproduction of a drawing for an unidentified publication, 20 x 14 cm, undated.

Creation Year: 1845
Geocode Latitude: Geocode Longitude:-75.143618
Geocode Latitude:39.949892

Call Number: A917.481 P536 v.19
Creator Name: Castner, Samuel, Jr., 1843-1929 - Compiler

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